Saturday, January 29, 2005

My trip

Recently I have been to India and thought I'd share some thoughts here,

Above line was written almost a week ago and I don't want to further delay this process of posting my thoughts.

One interesting part of my trip was I got to go on a road trip all by myself from Hyderabad to Tadipatri a small village in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh. Well, I had the company of the driver and a friend's sister whom I met only once before. So, it was almost like a trip by myself. It was great, I really loved it. We travelled during the day and I got to see the panorama of the country side. I saw all the things we used to enjoy when we were young, canopy of trees on our roads. Buffaloes, sheep, goats, goat herds and shepherds with their home made hoods made out of jute bags. Palm trees and the toddy collectors. Little villages and hamlets which come and disappear on the way.

Milkmen on two wheelers trying to balance their milk cans. Farmers returning from their fields with woman either on thier front bar or on the rear carrier. God!! it was beautiful!!